05.12 - 14:44
Why Doctors Don’t Recommend Washing Every Day: Scientific Facts and Skin Health| Здоровье
Why Doctors Don’t Recommend Washing Every Day: Scientific Facts and Skin Health In modern society, we are accustomed to washing every day, which has become an integral part of our hygiene. However, more and more doctors and dermatologists are speaking out against excessive skin cleansing and believe that this can lead to serious health problems. In this context, it is important to understand why doctors do not always recommend washing every day and how proper hygiene helps to maintain health. Human skin is a natural barrier that protects the body from harmful environmental influences, such as bacteria, viruses and pollution. One of the most important components of this barrier is skin sebum - a natural fat produced by the sebaceous glands. This fat maintains moisture in the skin and also provides it with natural protection. Daily washing, especially with detergents, can disrupt this process, washing away essential fats and drying out the skin. Excessive cleansing of the skin can cause it to dry out and reduce its barrier function, which increases the risk of irritation, allergies and other dermatological diseases. Dermatologists warn that prolonged use of detergents, especially those with strong chemical components, can disrupt the balance of the skin's microflora. This, in turn, creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms, which can lead to acne, eczema or dermatitis. Daily washing can also worsen the skin condition of people prone to dryness or sensitivity. For such people with dry or irritated skin, washing with soaps or gels can only aggravate the symptoms, reducing the level of moisture in the skin and causing peeling or itching. Doctors recommend that such patients limit the number of washings, using only water without added detergents or using delicate, moisturizing products. It is also important to remember that not all parts of the body need daily cleansing. For example, the face, hands and sweaty areas need to be washed more often, while other parts of the body, such as the back, stomach or legs, can remain clean by washing 2-3 times a week. This approach not only preserves the natural barrier of the skin, but also reduces the risk of it drying out. Interestingly, some studies show that excessive cleansing can even cause premature aging of the skin. In particular, washing out natural oils from the skin can reduce elasticity, causing wrinkles and loss of tone. In this regard, doctors recommend using only the necessary hygiene products, not forgetting to moisturize after each wash. Therefore, scientific research and practical experience of doctors indicate that frequent washing is not always beneficial. Avoiding excessive cleansing helps maintain the natural balance of the skin and its health. It is important to pay attention to your skin type, health status and use high-quality, safe hygiene products to avoid unwanted consequences. Ключевые слова:
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