03.12 - 16:31
What not to cook in foil: advice from doctors| Здоровье
![]() What not to cook in foil: advice from doctors Foil is one of the most popular kitchen materials, used for baking, storing food and even grilling. However, not all foods can be cooked safely in it. Doctors and food experts warn against using foil to cook certain types of food, as this can lead to negative health consequences. First of all, you should pay attention to acidic foods. These include tomatoes, citrus fruits, berries and other foods with a high acid content. When acidic foods come into contact with aluminum foil, a chemical reaction occurs that can lead to the release of harmful compounds, including aluminum salts. Studies have shown that regular consumption of such compounds can increase the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Experts also warn about the dangers of using foil to bake meat products, especially red meat, such as beef or pork. The high temperature at which meat is cooked contributes to the release of toxic compounds such as heterocyclic amines and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. These substances are carcinogenic, meaning they can increase the risk of cancer. When meat is cooked in foil, these toxins can penetrate the food and enter the body. Another product that is not recommended to be cooked in aluminum foil is potatoes. In particular, foil can contribute to the accumulation of carbohydrates in potatoes, which during baking can lead to the formation of acrylamide - a toxic and carcinogenic substance that occurs during the heat treatment of starchy foods. This is especially true for potatoes that are subjected to prolonged baking at high temperatures. In addition, the use of foil for baking foods containing a large amount of fat can be dangerous. During baking in such conditions, fat can penetrate the structure of the foil, causing its degradation. Over time, the foil can release harmful substances that enter the food. The greatest risk arises when baking fatty fish or some types of cheese, where high temperatures enhance oxidation processes. No less important is the problem of using foil for cooking in a microwave oven. Foil can cause sparks, which not only destroys the foil itself, but also damages the microwave oven. Therefore, cooking food in such a device with foil can be not only dangerous to health, but also lead to serious breakdowns of the equipment. In summary, although foil is a convenient and frequently used material in the kitchen, not all foods should be cooked in it. For health, it is better to choose alternative methods of cooking, especially when it comes to acidic, fatty or high-starch foods. It is advisable to follow the recommendations of doctors and nutrition experts to minimize risks and ensure safe and healthy nutrition. Ключевые слова:
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