01.12 - 20:09
Health effects of a sedentary lifestyle: why it is important to move more| Здоровье
![]() Health effects of a sedentary lifestyle: why it is important to move more A sedentary lifestyle has become an integral part of modern life, especially given the increasing number of hours we spend in front of the computer, at work or during leisure time. Although activities such as watching TV or working in an office may seem harmless, they can have serious health consequences if they become a habit. Scientific studies show that constant sitting not only increases the risk of chronic diseases, but also significantly shortens life expectancy. One of the most obvious effects of a sedentary lifestyle is its effect on the cardiovascular system. When a person spends many hours without movement, blood circulation slows down, which can lead to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the vessels. This, in turn, increases the risk of developing hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. According to WHO, prolonged sitting increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease by 147%. In addition to heart problems, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain. Insufficient physical activity is one of the main causes of obesity. According to studies, people who spend more than 8 hours a day sitting have a 50% higher risk of obesity than those who move regularly. Constant sitting contributes to a slowdown in metabolism, which reduces the efficiency of burning calories and promotes the accumulation of fat. Equally important is the effect of sitting on the musculoskeletal system. Sitting for a long time at a desk or in a car puts a significant load on the spine, especially the lumbar region. This can lead to chronic back pain, particularly in the lower back, and the development of diseases such as scoliosis or intervertebral hernia. Experts say that regular breaks for stretching and exercise can help significantly reduce the risk of these problems. Another important consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is its impact on mental health. Constantly staying in a static position is associated with increased levels of stress, depression and anxiety. Physical activity, on the other hand, promotes the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness, which help reduce stress levels and improve mood. Moreover, studies show that regular physical exercise significantly improves cognitive function and memory. Particular attention should be paid to the impact of sitting on overall life expectancy. Studies have shown that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle for more than 8 hours a day can lose up to 2 years of life compared to those who are actively moving. Time spent in a static position reduces not only physical activity, but also significantly reduces overall energy levels, which affects all areas of life. In summary, we can say that a sedentary lifestyle has numerous negative health consequences that are important to consider. But even with a lot of sedentary work or leisure, there are ways to improve the situation. Simply getting up every hour, doing a light warm-up, walking in the fresh air - all this will help reduce the negative impact of prolonged sitting. Therefore, it is worth moving more to maintain your health and overall standard of living at a high level. Ключевые слова:
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