30.11 - 17:39
Chronic fatigue as a possible symptom of congenital heart disease| Здоровье
![]() Chronic fatigue as a possible symptom of congenital heart disease Chronic fatigue is a common problem that many people around the world face. It can occur for various reasons, but sometimes it is caused by serious diseases, including congenital heart disease. Studies have shown that in some patients, chronic fatigue can be an early signal of disorders in the cardiovascular system that require medical attention. According to new data, patients with congenital heart disease often experience chronic fatigue that lasts for a long time and does not go away even after rest. This may be a consequence of circulatory disorders, when the heart is unable to pump blood effectively to all organs and tissues, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen and energy in the body. In addition, chronic fatigue may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, swelling, chest pain and heart rhythm disorders. A feature of chronic fatigue in congenital heart disease is its gradual increase. A person may initially experience mild fatigue, which can be attributed to stress or overwork, but over time this condition worsens. At the same time, most patients, without even paying attention to these symptoms, get used to them, which makes it difficult to detect the disease early. If chronic fatigue lasts for more than a few weeks, it is important to consult a doctor for an examination of the cardiovascular system. A study conducted at the University of London found that chronic fatigue is one of the most common symptoms among patients with various types of congenital heart defects. The study involved more than 500 people, and about 60% of them noted the appearance of fatigue, which was accompanied by difficulties with physical exertion. This indicates that even mild forms of congenital defects can manifest themselves through such symptoms. It is important to note that chronic fatigue may not be the only symptom associated with heart defects. Congenital heart defects may have other pronounced symptoms, such as rapid fatigue during physical exertion, frequent dizziness, and palpitations. In such cases, patients are recommended to consult a cardiologist for a detailed examination, which includes an electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart, and other diagnostic methods. Despite the fact that many people with chronic fatigue do not associate it with heart problems, early detection of congenital heart defects can significantly improve the prognosis for treatment and life of patients. Timely detection of cardiac disorders allows you to start treatment at an early stage, which significantly reduces the risk of developing serious complications. Thus, chronic fatigue may not just be a consequence of overwork or stress, but a serious symptom indicating a violation of the heart. Seeing a doctor for constant fatigue and other accompanying symptoms can help detect serious diseases at an early stage and prevent the development of complications. Ключевые слова:
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