28.11 - 10:50
Breakfast and obesity: myth or reality| Здоровье
![]() Breakfast and obesity: myth or reality. Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals of the day. However, some foods that are usually part of breakfast can lead to excess weight and obesity if consumed in large quantities. It is important to understand which foods are affected and how they affect our health. Sweet pastries, such as croissants, pancakes or donuts, can be a tasty addition to breakfast, but they contain a lot of sugar and trans fats, which contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body. Mostly such products are high in calories, but few useful nutrients. Another product that can cause excess weight is chocolate varieties. They contain a lot of sugar and fat, which leads to excessive calorie intake and, accordingly, to obesity. Coffee and tea with sugar can also be risk factors for obesity. Excessive consumption of these sugary drinks can lead to weight gain due to the high calorie content of sugar. Breakfast is a time to get energy for the whole day, so it is important to choose foods that will not only fill you up but also be good for your body. Vegetables, fruits, lean meats and cereals are just a few examples of foods that you can include in your breakfast. It is important to remember that your breakfast diet should be balanced and contain a variety of healthy foods. Including foods that are high in sugar and trans fats in your diet can contribute to overweight and obesity. Ключевые слова:
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