26.11 - 10:23
Why does my back hurt: causes and solutions| Здоровье
![]() Why does my back hurt: causes and solutions Back pain is a common problem that affects many people of all ages. According to research, approximately 80% of the population suffers from back pain at least once in their lives. It can be caused by a variety of factors, and understanding the causes will help find effective methods of treatment and prevention. One of the most common causes of back pain is poor posture. People who spend a lot of time sitting often experience problems in the lumbar region. Incorrect body position during work or rest can lead to muscle strain and discomfort. Another important cause of back pain is physical activity. Incorrect or excessive loads during training can lead to injuries. It is important to follow the technique of performing exercises and gradually increase the load to avoid damage. In addition, stress and emotional factors can significantly affect the condition of the back. When a person is constantly stressed, muscles can tense up, which leads to pain and discomfort. Relaxation and meditation techniques can be helpful in this case. Age also plays a role in the occurrence of back pain. Over the years, our muscles, ligaments and cartilage lose elasticity, which can lead to various diseases. Osteochondrosis, arthritis and other degenerative changes can cause chronic pain. To prevent back pain, it is important to lead an active lifestyle. Regular exercise, correcting posture and avoiding prolonged sitting will help maintain a healthy back. It is also useful to contact specialists, such as physiotherapists, for recommendations on strengthening the back muscles and improving overall condition. Ключевые слова:
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