25.11 - 23:02
Why wisdom teeth are important: the opinion of dentists| Здоровье
Why wisdom teeth are important: the opinion of dentists Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are often a topic of discussion in dental practice. Many people associate them with pain and discomfort, due to the need for removal. However, recently, dentists note that wisdom teeth can have certain useful functions for the body, if they do not have to be removed for medical reasons. Wisdom teeth appear in people usually between the ages of 17 and 25. They are the last teeth in the row, and their growth can cause various difficulties, such as pain, inflammation of the gums or improper development of the dentition. However, not all people have problems with wisdom teeth, and some do not even feel discomfort due to their eruption. The most obvious benefit of wisdom teeth is their role in distributing the chewing load. Since these teeth are located at the end of the row, they help to chew food efficiently, reducing the load on the other teeth. In addition, these teeth can be useful when digesting harder food, as they are able to make additional movements when chewing, which helps to grind food into smaller particles. It is also important to note that wisdom teeth can help correct bite problems. In some cases, they can act as a natural "support" that contributes to the correct positioning of other teeth, which is especially important for people who have insufficient space for the normal growth of all teeth. This effect can be especially useful at a young age, when the body is still actively developing. On the other hand, dentists emphasize that not all wisdom teeth remain useful. In some cases, they can cause serious problems such as infections, tooth decay or cyst formation. In such situations, the removal of the wisdom tooth becomes necessary, as it allows you to avoid further complications. There is also a situation when the wisdom teeth grow at a small angle and begin to press on the neighboring teeth, which leads to their deformation. In general, modern dentists recommend carefully monitoring the condition of wisdom teeth. If they do not cause discomfort and do not cause problems, it is not necessary to remove them. However, regular check-ups at the dentist help to detect any complications in time and determine whether intervention is needed. Given that each body is individual, it is important to consult a professional to assess the condition of wisdom teeth. Only a doctor can make a decision about whether they should be left in place or whether they should be removed to prevent possible problems in the future. Ключевые слова:
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