21.11 - 16:10
An unexpected cause of| Здоровье
An unexpected cause of "foggy in the head": a warning for women Many women from time to time experience so-called "fog in the head" - a feeling when the mind seems cloudy, it is difficult to concentrate, and it seems that the world around becomes less clear. This phenomenon is familiar to many, but what exactly is behind these symptoms remains not fully understood. However, a recent study revealed an unexpected cause for this condition. It turns out that one of the main causes of "foggy head" in women can be a deficiency of vitamins, especially B vitamins. These vitamins, especially B12 and folic acid, are extremely important for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. Their deficiency can cause problems with concentration, fatigue and difficulty making decisions. This phenomenon can also be affected by hormonal changes, in particular, those associated with menopause or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). During these periods, the level of estrogen can fluctuate, which contributes to changes in cognitive functions and memory impairment. Women often note that during these times it is more difficult for them to focus on everyday tasks, which can also be one of the manifestations of "fog in the head". Another important cause of this condition is stress. During prolonged or severe stressful situations, the body produces excessive amounts of cortisol, a stress hormone that can negatively affect brain function. This can lead to a decrease in the ability to concentrate and a feeling of vagueness in thoughts. We cannot forget about physical health. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism, can also cause "head fog." It is important to pay attention to your general state of health and undergo regular medical examinations to avoid the development of such problems. Considering all these factors, doctors recommend that women carefully monitor their diet, daily routine and health. If the feeling of "fog in the head" lasts for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and correct the condition. To improve cognitive function, experts advise eating a balanced diet, including foods rich in B vitamins, and ensuring regular physical activity. It is also equally important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, reduce stress and get enough sleep. Ключевые слова:
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