20.11 - 16:41
What happens if you swallow chewing gum: debunking myths and scientific facts| Здоровье
![]() What happens if you swallow chewing gum: debunking myths and scientific facts Many of us remember how in childhood we were frightened by scary stories about what would happen if we swallowed chewing gum. Usually it was something like: "she will stay in the stomach for 7 years!" And although these stories were intended to scare, in reality, everything is much simpler and not as scary as we imagined. However, can chewing gum really harm the body? Let's figure it out. First, it is important to note that chewing gum consists of several main components: a gum base, sweeteners, flavors and colors. The gum base is a complex polymer that is not digested by stomach acids, so it can remain in the body if a piece of gum is swallowed. However, this does not mean that it will be stuck in the stomach for years, as we often hear. Research shows that chewing gum passes through the digestive system without much difficulty. They usually just leave the body naturally along with other undigested food residues. The stomach and intestines are able to remove such inert substances usually within a few days. And although the chewing gum does not split, its exit from the body is not accompanied by any serious problems. The myth that chewing gum remains in the stomach for 7 years has no scientific basis. The stomach is not able to hold indigestible objects for a long time, so chewing gum quickly passes through the intestines. However, some doctors recommend not to abuse chewing gum, as it can lead to certain inconveniences, for example, the formation of intestinal clots in the case of a large amount of gum swallowed. On the other hand, it is worth noting that even if chewing gum does not harm the body, abusing it can cause other problems. For example, excessive chewing of gum can cause excess production of stomach acid, which in turn can lead to indigestion and even heartburn. Additionally, chewing gum often contains sweeteners that can cause bloating or gas. In summary, although swallowed chewing gum will not cause you significant harm, it is important not to allow it to constantly enter the body. For most people, one accidental ingestion does not cause serious consequences. However, it is best to limit the use of chewing gum and not to bring the situation to the point of swallowing in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Despite the fact that this question is often the subject of jokes and legends, science gives a clear and simple explanation. Therefore, do not be afraid if you accidentally swallowed the gum - most likely, it will not harm your body, but remember that it is better not to swallow it. Ключевые слова:
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