19.11 - 21:46
The main causes of overeating: Why we can't stop| Здоровье
![]() The main causes of overeating: Why we can't stop Overeating is one of the most widespread problems in the modern world, which affects physical and psychological health. Despite the fact that most people know that food should be consumed in moderation, many of them still often face excessive food consumption. The studied studies allow us to identify several main causes of overeating, which help to understand this complex process and can be useful for those who want to change their eating habits. Emotional overeating as a response to stress One of the main reasons for overeating is emotional distress. Many people see food as a way to comfort themselves in times of stress, anxiety, or depression. This phenomenon is known as "emotional overeating". When people experience negative emotions, they sometimes try to find affirmation or temporary comfort in food. In this case, food consumption becomes an attempt to reduce the discomfort caused by emotional stress. Hormonal imbalance Another important cause of overeating is hormonal changes that can affect appetite. For example, research shows that hormones such as leptin and ghrelin play a key role in appetite regulation. Leptin, produced by fat cells, signals satiety to the brain, while ghrelin promotes hunger. Disturbances in the balance of these hormones can lead to an increase in the desire to eat, even when the body does not need additional food. The presence of habits and addictions Habits formed during life also play an important role in overeating. Many people get used to large portions of food or have certain taste preferences that contribute to constant overeating. This is especially true for people who often consume high-calorie foods such as sweets or fast food. They can develop an addiction to such foods, because these foods cause the release of dopamine, the pleasure hormone, which further strengthens the habit. The influence of the environment and social factors Social circumstances can also contribute to overeating. For example, many people eat more when they are in company, or at holidays and family gatherings, when food becomes part of social traditions. Stress from work, sports or other external factors can increase food consumption, since a person is not always able to distinguish physiological hunger from a habit or an emotional desire to eat. Technical aspects and availability of food No less important are the factors related to the availability of food. In the conditions of modern life, food has become much more accessible. Huge portions in restaurants, numerous snacks and snacks at every step, home delivery - all these factors contribute to an increase in food consumption. In addition, advertising often encourages consumption of more than necessary by offering foods high in sugar, fat or salt, which stimulates appetite and increases the risk of overeating. Mental and psychological aspects of overeating On a psychological level, binge eating can also be related to low self-esteem or a coping strategy. When a person cannot cope with difficult situations, he looks for a way to do something pleasant, and food becomes a convenient way to cope with emotional difficulties. In this case, food consumption becomes a certain form of "self-medication" that temporarily relieves stress or anxiety. Overeating is a complex process that involves a number of physiological, psychological and social factors. Awareness of these reasons can help people better understand their eating habits and adjust them in time. This is important to prevent the development of various diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which are often caused by constant overeating. Ключевые слова:
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