17.11 - 13:02
The role of animals in improving health: Interaction with animals in the treatment of various diseases| Здоровье
![]() The role of animals in improving health: Interaction with animals in the treatment of various diseases Communication with animals not only brings joy, but also has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of a person. Various studies confirm that interaction with animals can have a beneficial effect in the treatment of various diseases. One of the vivid examples is animal therapy therapy in psychiatric practice. Studies show that contact with animals can reduce stress and depression, improve mood, and increase levels of serotonin, the happy hormone. The impact of animals on human physical health is also important. Some pets can become real allies in the fight against diseases, for example, dogs as guides for people with visual impairments or companions for patients with chronic diseases. Heart health can also be supported by contact with animals. Research shows that owning a pet can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the owner's blood pressure and overall stress levels. Animals are invaluable helpers in rehabilitation. For example, film therapy uses interaction with horses to improve the physical and emotional stability of people who have survived traumatic events or surgeries. In summary, interaction with animals can have a significant impact on various aspects of human health. From therapeutic use in psychiatry to supporting physical rehabilitation, animals are proving to be important allies in maintaining and improving our well-being. Ключевые слова:
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