08.11 - 10:44
How our kidneys signal the need to see a doctor| Здоровье
![]() How our kidneys signal the need to see a doctor Kidneys are vital organs that perform many functions, including filtering blood, regulating water and salt balance, and producing hormones. However, we often don't realize when they need attention. There are several important signals that indicate possible kidney problems and the need to see a doctor. First, one of the most obvious symptoms is a change in the color of urine. The normal color of urine is light yellow, but if it turns dark, red, or orange, it can indicate the presence of an infection, kidney stones, or even more serious diseases. It is worth paying attention to these changes, as they may indicate a malfunction of the kidneys. Secondly, swelling can be another alarming sign. If you notice that your hands, feet or face have begun to swell, this may indicate fluid retention in the body, which is often associated with kidney problems. The kidneys cannot cope with the removal of excess fluid, which can lead to the accumulation of water in the tissues. The third signal to pay attention to is changes in the frequency of urination. If you notice that urination has become more frequent or less frequent than usual, this may be a sign of kidney problems. Frequent urination may indicate infection or diabetes, while infrequent urination may be the result of fluid retention. The fourth important indicator is lower back pain. If you experience unusual pain or discomfort in your back, it may be related to your kidneys. Pain can indicate inflammation or the presence of kidney stones, so it is important not to ignore such symptoms. In addition, a general feeling of being unwell, such as tiredness, nausea or changes in appetite, can also be a sign of kidney problems. The kidneys play an important role in maintaining the overall health of the body, and their impairment can lead to systemic symptoms that require medical intervention. So, if you notice one or more of these symptoms, don't delay a visit to the doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious complications and keep your kidneys healthy. Remember that it is better to take measures in advance than to treat the consequences later. Ключевые слова:
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