21.10 - 20:25
Frequent cleaning: can it endanger health| Здоровье
![]() Frequent cleaning: can it endanger health A recent study found that regular and intensive cleaning at home can have unexpected negative health consequences. Scientists have discovered a connection between frequent cleaning and the risk of developing certain diseases. This discovery calls into question the generally accepted norms regarding hygiene in everyday life. A study conducted by a group of scientists indicates that frequent use of household chemicals and intense physical activity during cleaning can lead to serious health problems. They observed that people who cleaned frequently had a higher risk of developing chronic diseases, including asthma and cardiovascular disease. One of the main reasons why frequent cleaning can be harmful is that the household chemicals used for cleaning can cause allergic reactions. Many of these products contain aggressive components that negatively affect the respiratory system. This is especially true for people who already have chronic respiratory diseases. The researchers also noted that physical activity during cleaning can lead to injuries and overexertion. Frequent bending and lifting of heavy objects creates additional stress on joints and muscles. This can lead to chronic back pain and other problems. It is important to note that keeping the house clean remains important for maintaining health. However, experts advise to approach this issue wisely. It is worth using ecological means for cleaning and planning your schedule in such a way as to avoid overwork. Thus, while frequent cleaning may seem necessary to ensure cleanliness, it can have negative health consequences. People should choose their cleaning methods carefully and pay attention to their physical sensations when doing housework. Ключевые слова:
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