12.10 - 10:57
Does chicken broth really help with a cold| Здоровье
![]() Does chicken broth really help with a cold Chicken broth has been considered a folk remedy for relieving cold and flu symptoms for many years. Many people believe that this simple and tasty drink can help with the treatment, but scientific research on the topic gives a mixed picture about the effectiveness of chicken broth. Research shows that chicken broth has certain health benefits. It contains important nutrients such as proteins, trace elements and vitamins that can support the immune system. For example, chicken broth is rich in the amino acid cysteine, which helps thin mucus in the respiratory tract, making breathing easier. In addition, the warmth of the broth can also provide some comfort for a cold. A hot drink not only soothes the throat, but can also have an analgesic effect. Heat stimulates blood circulation, which can help you heal faster. Many people report that drinking the broth helps them feel better when they are sick. However, it is worth noting that chicken broth is not a treatment. It can relieve the symptoms, but it does not treat the cause of the cold or flu. The main cause of these diseases are viruses, and for their treatment it is important to follow the doctor's advice, as well as to drink enough fluids, rest and, if necessary, use medicines. Research has also shown that broth may have other beneficial properties. For example, drinking chicken broth can help reduce inflammation in the body. This can be especially helpful for colds, when inflammation of the airways causes discomfort. In conclusion, chicken broth can be a great addition to your diet when you have a cold. It is not a substitute for medical treatment, but may be helpful in relieving symptoms. It is important to remember a comprehensive approach to treatment and to consult a doctor in case of a long-term illness. Ключевые слова:
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