08.10 - 10:33
An unexpected cause of insomnia: new discoveries in science| Здоровье
![]() An unexpected cause of insomnia: new discoveries in science Insomnia has become a common problem faced by millions of people around the world. It is known that this condition can be caused by many factors, from stress to an uncomfortable mattress. However, scientists have recently discovered an unexpected cause that may be significant in the occurrence of sleep disorders. A study conducted by an international group of scientists showed that excessive consumption of certain types of drinks, in particular energy drinks, can significantly affect the quality of sleep. In many cases, it turned out that the caffeine contained in such drinks leaves its mark on the body even several hours after consumption. This, in turn, can lead to insomnia and anxiety. Researchers have also drawn attention to the fact that the electronic devices we use before going to bed have a negative effect on the quality of our sleep. The blue light emitted by phone and computer screens interferes with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep regulation. Studies have confirmed that those who use gadgets before going to bed are more likely to suffer from insomnia. It's also important to note that nutrition can have a big impact on sleep quality. Eating a heavy meal before bed, as well as foods that contain sugar, can prevent the body from resting. Scientists recommend following a balanced diet and avoiding heavy meals in the evening. In addition, stress and emotional disorders remain among the main causes of insomnia. People who experience anxiety, depression, or other psychoemotional problems are at greater risk of developing sleep disorders. Therefore, it is important to find effective stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation. In conclusion, insomnia can be caused by various factors, and new studies indicate the need for a comprehensive approach to its treatment. In particular, it is important to pay attention to lifestyle, nutrition, consumption of energy drinks and use of electronic devices. Knowing about these factors can improve your sleep quality and overall health. Ключевые слова:
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