04.10 - 10:11
Causes of stuttering: what you should know| Здоровье
![]() Causes of stuttering: what you should know Stuttering is a speech disorder that can occur in people of all ages. It manifests itself in the form of frequent interruptions in speech, repetition of sounds or syllables, as well as delays in the pronunciation of words. This phenomenon can cause discomfort not only to those who suffer from it, but also to those around them. The causes of stuttering are quite diverse. One of the main theories is neurobiological. Research shows that there may be structural and functional differences in the brains of people who stutter. These changes can affect coordination between different language centers, leading to impaired speech fluency. There is also a genetic factor. If there are cases of stuttering in the family, the probability of its development in children increases significantly. Research suggests that some genes may affect the development of speech and communication skills, making a person more vulnerable to the disorder. Psychological factors also play an important role. Stress, anxiety, and even certain emotional states can worsen stuttering symptoms. In some cases, stuttering can occur or worsen under social pressure, when a person feels the need to communicate, but is afraid of failure. In addition, the influence of the social environment should not be underestimated. Children who grow up in environments where speech is not encouraged or where there are strict language requirements may become more prone to stuttering. Support and positive reinforcement from family and friends can help reduce the risk of developing this disorder. With all these factors in mind, it is important to seek professional help if you or your child is struggling with stuttering. Speech therapists can offer techniques to help improve fluency and confidence in communication. The earlier the treatment is started, the greater the chances of success. Ключевые слова:
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