01.10 - 10:06
Why do we get fat in autumn| Здоровье
Why do we get fat in autumn With the arrival of autumn, many of us begin to notice that the weight increases. This can be unexpected, especially after the summer period, when we often eat light meals and engage in active physical exercises. But why do we tend to gain weight this time of year? First, not only the weather changes in autumn, but also our eating habits. With the cold comes the desire to eat more high-calorie and heavy dishes. Comfort foods like soups, stews, and baked goods are becoming popular, and this can lead to excessive calorie consumption. Second, autumn is often associated with less physical activity. Shorter days and colder weather can reduce motivation to go outside or exercise. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which, in turn, affects weight gain. In addition, psychological factors play an important role. Autumn is the time of the beginning of the school year, stress and changes. People often seek comfort in food, which can lead to overeating. It is important to realize that emotional states can influence our eating habits. Another aspect is the change of seasonal light. Reducing the amount of daylight can affect the level of melatonin and serotonin in the body. This can make you feel tired and depressed, which in turn can lead to an increased desire to eat to feel better. Do not forget about seasonal products. Fall brings lots of delicious vegetables and fruits that are healthy, but frequent consumption of desserts and other treats can lead to extra calories. You need to learn to choose healthier options and enjoy goodies in moderation. So, the reason for gaining weight in autumn is complex and related to both physiological and psychological factors. By paying attention to your diet and activity, you can avoid extra pounds and enjoy autumn joys without worrying about weight. Ключевые слова:
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