27.09 - 12:52
Physical activity as a means of protecting brain volume| Здоровье
![]() Physical activity as a means of protecting brain volume Scientists have proven that regular physical activity has a significant positive effect on brain health. A new study has shown that exercise can help preserve the volume of brain tissue, which is an important factor in maintaining cognitive function throughout life. A study conducted by an international group of scientists focused on the impact of physical activity on brain aging. The results showed that people who exercise regularly have a significantly larger brain volume than their less active peers. This is especially noticeable at an age when the natural processes of aging begin to negatively affect the structure of the brain. Scientists have discovered that physical activity not only supports the health of the cardiovascular system, but also stimulates the processes of neuroplasticity, which are key for the brain's adaptation to new conditions. These processes contribute to the formation of new neurons and improve the connections between them, which can slow down the development of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, research indicates that exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, which also has a positive effect on mental health. During physical exercises, endorphins are released, which improve mood and general well-being. It is important to note that the benefits of physical activity are not limited to professional athletes. Any form of movement, from walking to active games, can be beneficial. Regular training, even of a moderate nature, can significantly improve the condition of the brain. Considering all these factors, experts recommend integrating physical activity into everyday life. This not only helps to preserve the volume of the brain, but also improves the general state of health, increasing the quality of life in general. Ключевые слова:
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