25.09 - 10:47
How our kidneys signal the need to visit a doctor| Здоровье
![]() How our kidneys signal the need to visit a doctor Kidneys play an important role in our body, responsible for blood purification and water balance regulation. However, we often do not notice when problems arise with them. Some symptoms may indicate that you should see a doctor. First, one of the first signals is changes in urination. If you notice frequent urges to urinate or, on the contrary, visit the toilet less often, this may be a sign of kidney problems. It is also worth paying attention to the color of urine: if it has become darker or has a smell, this may indicate the presence of an infection or other pathology. Second, pain in the back or side may indicate kidney problems. This pain is often localized in the area where the kidneys are located. If you experience prolonged or acute pain, this may be a reason for urgent referral to a specialist. The third signal is swelling on the face or limbs. The kidneys are responsible for removing excess fluid from the body. When they fail to do this, fluid builds up, causing swelling. It is especially worth paying attention to sudden changes in weight, which may indicate fluid retention. The fourth factor is high blood pressure. The kidneys regulate the pressure in the body, and if they are not functioning properly, it can lead to hypertension. Regular blood pressure monitoring is important to prevent serious complications. In addition, symptoms may include nausea and vomiting. These signs are often ignored, but they can be the result of toxins building up in the body due to poor kidney function. If you often experience these symptoms, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The last but not least important factor is changes in general well-being. Fatigue, weakness, and general discomfort may indicate that your kidneys need help. Do not neglect your health, and if any alarming symptoms appear, be sure to consult a medical specialist. Your kidneys deserve the attention they deserve. Ключевые слова:
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