16.09 - 17:35

The most common eye diseases at different ages


The most common eye diseases at different ages

Eyes are one of the most important parts of our body, providing our behavior and interaction with the surrounding world with a huge amount of information. During our life, our eyes are subject to various diseases that can occur depending on age. Let's consider the most common problems that people face in different age periods.

At a young age, from birth to adolescence, the most common are conjunctivitis and amblyopia. Conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the conjunctiva, is often caused by infections or allergies and can manifest as redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes. Amblyopia, or "lazy eye", usually occurs due to insufficient visual stimulation in one of the eyes, which can lead to reduced vision if not treated in time.

In adulthood, especially after the age of 40, such diseases as presbyopia and cataracts come to the fore. Presbyopia is age-related farsightedness, which is caused by the loss of elasticity of the lens, which makes it difficult to focus on close objects. A cataract is a clouding of the lens that gradually reduces the quality of vision and can lead to complete vision loss if not surgically treated.

Diseases of the retina, in particular age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, are characteristic of the elderly. Age-related macular degeneration affects central vision and can cause severe problems with detail perception. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes in which high blood sugar damages blood vessels in the retina, which can threaten vision.

At an older age, glaucoma is also often diagnosed - a disease caused by increased intraocular pressure that can lead to damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma can occur without obvious symptoms, which makes regular eye examinations very important for timely detection of the disease.

To maintain eye health throughout life, it is important to undergo regular medical examinations, follow the recommendations of doctors and seek help at the first signs of problems. Prevention and early diagnosis can greatly facilitate treatment and reduce the risk of serious complications.

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