12.09 - 23:55
Should you eat after training: the opinions of experts| Здоровье
![]() Should you eat after training: the opinions of experts After intense training, the question of whether to eat often becomes relevant for many people who strive to achieve sports results. Experts in nutrition and physical training offer different views on this topic, taking into account the individual needs of the body and the purpose of training. Before moving on to specific recommendations, it should be noted that recovery after training is a critically important stage in maintaining physical fitness and achieving the desired results. Physical exercises, especially of high intensity, lead to the distribution of energy and the breakdown of muscle glycogen, which requires recovery. According to experts, eating after a workout can be beneficial for restoring the body's energy reserves. The ideal food at this time are products containing proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins help restore muscle fibers, and carbohydrates restore muscle glycogen stores. For example, a serving of yogurt with fruit or a protein smoothie can be good choices. Other experts believe that the optimal time to eat after training depends on the intensity and duration of the exercises. If your workout has been very strenuous, it is important to eat within 30-60 minutes of finishing. This helps to recover faster and reduce the risk of muscle soreness. No less important is the choice of products that should be consumed after training. Avoid fatty foods and large portions, as this can lead to digestive problems. Instead, it is better to choose light and easily digestible products that do not overload the stomach. However, it is worth noting that recommendations may vary depending on individual characteristics and training goals. Therefore, consultation with a nutritionist or sports doctor can be useful for drawing up an individual meal plan after physical activity. Ключевые слова:
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