08.09 - 18:02

Early signs of dementia in women: what you need to know


Early signs of dementia in women: what you need to know

Dementia is a serious disease that affects a person's cognitive functions and quality of life. Most often, this disease affects the elderly, and women are more vulnerable compared to men. It is important to detect the early signs of dementia in time to seek medical help and start the necessary treatment.

According to recent research, women are more likely to experience dementia due to the natural changes that occur in the body with age. In particular, menopause can increase the risk of developing dementia due to hormonal changes. One of the first signs that may indicate the onset of dementia is memory problems. Women may notice that they forget important dates, names of loved ones, or details of events.

Another early sign is changes in speech skills. This can manifest itself in difficulties in finding the right words, confusion in statements or the need to repeat the same information. It is important to note that such changes can be very noticeable to close and surrounding people.

Also, in the early stages of dementia, women may note difficulties in planning and organizing everyday tasks. They may forget important things or be unable to manage their time effectively, which may affect their ability to carry out their usual responsibilities.

Emotional and behavioral changes are another sign that may indicate dementia. Women may become more irritable, apathetic, or show unusual anxiety. Changes in mood that are difficult to explain can also signal the onset of cognitive impairment.

Recent studies also indicate that early detection of signs of dementia can help slow the progression of the disease. Regular medical examinations and screenings can help detect the problem in its early stages. Therefore, if you notice signs in yourself or your loved ones that indicate possible dementia, do not delay and consult a doctor.

Thus, understanding the early signs of dementia and responding to them in a timely manner is the key to preserving the quality of life and the ability to receive the necessary medical care. This will help not only to detect the disease in time, but also to start effective treatment, which can significantly improve the situation.

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