28.08 - 20:20

Causes of dry eyes: What factors can affect your comfort


Causes of dry eyes: What factors can affect your comfort

Dry eyes are a common problem that can cause discomfort and affect quality of life. Doctors have identified several main reasons that can lead to this unpleasant condition. Let's look at them in more detail to better understand how you can prevent or relieve the symptoms of dry eyes.

First, one of the main factors contributing to dry eyes is insufficient tear production. This can be caused by age, when the glands that produce tears become less active. Research shows that as we age, the amount of tears produced decreases, which can lead to dry and irritated eyes.

Secondly, environmental factors play an important role. Dust, wind and high temperatures can aggravate the symptoms of dry eyes. This is especially true for people who live in regions with a dry climate or are often in rooms with air conditioners that dry the air.

The third factor that can cause dry eyes is prolonged use of computers and mobile devices. Spending a lot of time in front of screens can reduce the frequency of blinking, which in turn reduces the distribution of tears on the surface of the eye. This can lead to a feeling of dryness and discomfort.

In addition, some medical conditions can also be causes of dry eyes. For example, autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome can disrupt the function of the lacrimal glands and contribute to the development of this symptom. Also, some medications, including antihistamines and some antidepressants, can have the side effect of dry eyes.

Finally, improper use of contact lenses can be another cause of dry eyes. Lenses can block oxygen from reaching the surface of the eye and irritate the mucous membrane, which can lead to reduced tear production and discomfort.

Understanding these causes can help determine the most effective ways to treat and prevent dry eye. If you experience symptoms of this problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and recommendations for further treatment.

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