26.08 - 10:58

What you need to know before taking vitamin or mineral supplements.


What you need to know before taking vitamin or mineral supplements.

Research shows that our plates are lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, C and D. It's no wonder that more than half of us open a bottle of supplements to get the nutrition we need. Many of us take supplements not only to fill in what we're missing, but also because we hope to give ourselves an extra boost of health – a preventative buffer against disease. Getting nutrients straight from a pill seems simple, but supplements don't necessarily promise improved health. Some of them can even be dangerous, especially if you take them in amounts that exceed the recommended ones.

What are food additives?

Dietary supplements are intended to supplement the diet and differ from ordinary food products. They are taken orally and come in many forms, including tablets, capsules, softgels, gel capsules, powders, bars, chews, and liquids. Common supplements include:

- Vitamins (eg multivitamins or individual vitamins such as vitamin D and biotin).

- Minerals (such as calcium, magnesium and iron).

- Herbal remedies or herbs (eg echinacea and ginger)

- Plant compounds (such as caffeine and curcumin).

- Amino acids (such as tryptophan and glutamine).

- Live microbes (commonly called probiotics).

What are the benefits of nutritional supplements?

Dietary supplements can help you improve or maintain your overall health and help you meet your daily need for essential nutrients.

For example, calcium and vitamin D help strengthen bones, and fiber helps maintain regular bowel movements. While the benefits of some supplements are well known, others need further study. Also, keep in mind that supplements should not replace the variety of foods that are important for a healthy diet.

What are the risks of using supplements?

Although your body needs a certain amount of each nutrient, more is not necessarily better. In fact, getting more than you need can sometimes be harmful.

For example, large doses of vitamin B6 can damage the nervous system, and taking supplements with vitamins A, C, or E during pregnancy can seriously harm your baby. Some supplements can also interact with other medications you're taking, making them unsafe or less effective.

Dietary supplements can have side effects or interact with other medications, and can be dangerous in overdose. The best way to make sure any supplements you plan to take are safe is to check with your pharmacist or doctor.

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