25.08 - 15:51

Why do we feel the sensation of falling in a dream and how to deal with it


Why do we feel the sensation of falling in a dream and how to deal with it

When we sleep, our dreams can be filled with a wide variety of emotions and sensations. One of the most common phenomena is the feeling of falling. This impression, when it seems that you are suddenly falling into an abyss or from a height, is quite common and can cause significant emotional reactions.

A scientific explanation of the feeling of falling in a dream

Scientists believe that the feeling of falling in a dream is related to a phenomenon known as hypnagogic spontaneous movement initiation (SHMI). It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, where the body's muscles can contract or relax randomly, which can cause a feeling of falling or disorientation.

Psychological aspects of the feeling of falling in a dream

From a psychological point of view, the feeling of falling in a dream can be related to stress or anxiety experienced by a person in real life. Stressful states are often reflected in dreams, and the feeling of falling can be a manifestation of insecurity or fear of the unknown.

How to reduce the feeling of falling in a dream

To reduce the frequency of falling asleep, it is important to maintain a healthy sleep pattern. Regular sleep, stress reduction, and maintaining mental health can help reduce the intensity of this phenomenon.

Why is it important to pay attention to dreams?

Dreams are an important part of our mental and physical health. They reflect our emotional states, help process experiences and maintain psychological balance. Paying attention to dreams and understanding them can contribute to general well-being and emotional state.

The feeling of falling in a dream can be an unpleasant experience, but it often has scientific and psychological explanations. Maintaining a healthy sleep pattern and managing stress can greatly alleviate this phenomenon. Understanding the nature of dreams allows you to better control your mental health and maintain harmony between your physical and psychological state.

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