24.08 - 17:26
A change in the color of the plaque on the tongue as a sign of the disease| Здоровье
![]() A change in the color of the plaque on the tongue as a sign of the disease A change in the color of plaque on the tongue can often indicate a variety of health conditions. The tongue can reflect the general condition of the body, and changes in its appearance can serve as a warning about possible diseases. One of the most common causes of plaque discoloration is candidiasis, or thrush on the tongue. This is a fungal disease that is usually accompanied by a white or yellowish coating on the surface of the tongue. Candidiasis can develop in people with reduced immunity or those taking antibiotics that disrupt the body's natural balance. Another common condition that can change the color of plaque on the tongue is anemia. It causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, which can lead to a coated tongue. This becomes the reason for the examination of the patient's blood condition by a specialist. A change in the color of the plaque can also be associated with acute or chronic liver diseases. In the case of cirrhosis or hepatitis, the tongue can acquire a yellowish or brown tint, which indicates a malfunction of this important organ. Some infectious diseases, such as SARS-CoV-2, can also affect the appearance of the tongue. People who have contracted COVID-19 sometimes notice changes in the color and texture of the plaque after they recover. An equally important reason for changes in the color of plaque can be allergic reactions or reactions to medications. Some drugs can cause a change in the color of the plaque on the tongue due to reactions to complex chemical compounds. So, if you notice changes in the color coating on your tongue, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and to establish the causes of these changes. Early diagnosis can help avoid further complications and ensure timely treatment of potential diseases. Ключевые слова:
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