23.08 - 22:56

Causes and signs of cataract development


Causes and signs of cataract development

Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss among the elderly worldwide. This disease affecting the eyes is characterized by a gradual clouding of the natural lens of the eye, which is normally transparent. Although cataracts develop slowly, they can significantly affect a person's quality of life and ability to see even basic things around them.

One of the main reasons for the development of cataracts is aging. With age, the natural lens of the eye begins to lose its transparency, and this process is inevitable for every person. Other risk factors include prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, especially without protection, and smoking. Scientific studies also support a link between cataracts and certain medical conditions, such as diabetes.

A key sign of cataract development is the gradual deterioration of vision. Early symptoms may include blurred vision, especially if it occurs in one eye. People may also notice that they have become more sensitive to glitter and bright lights, as well as reduced visual acuity in low-light conditions.

In some cases, people may notice changes in color perception, particularly when colors become less saturated. Another common symptom can be halos around light sources, which can make it difficult to drive or even walk normally at night.

Early diagnosis of cataracts is the key to successful treatment. Ophthalmologists usually use a detailed eye examination to detect the presence of clouding of the cornea. Although in many cases simply observing the symptoms is sufficient, there are cases where surgery is necessary to remove the painfully altered lens and replace it with an artificial lens.

Overall, cataracts are a serious disease that can affect a person's quality of life, but with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, many cases can be successfully controlled. If any changes in vision are detected, especially in old age, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist for professional consultation and diagnosis.

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