21.08 - 16:24

Harmfulness of refined sugar: what doctors say about it


Harmfulness of refined sugar: what doctors say about it

In today's world, the issue of healthy eating is becoming more and more relevant, especially when it comes to sugar consumption. Doctors and nutritionists repeatedly draw attention to the negative impact of refined sugar on the human body. They warn about the potential consequences of its use, which can significantly affect the general state of health.

Refined sugar is a product obtained from cane or sugar beet sugar that has already been bleached. During this process, beneficial elements such as vitamins and minerals are removed, leaving only "empty" calories. Doctors emphasize that such sugar quickly increases the level of glucose in the blood, which can lead to an exacerbation of diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

One of the most common arguments against consuming refined sugar is its addictive potential. According to experts, this can happen due to the rapid release of dopamine in the brain, similar to the mechanism that occurs when consuming drugs. Such an effect can lead to frequent sugar consumption and, as a result, to an increased risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Many people know that refined sugar is an ingredient in many foods that we consume on a daily basis, such as sweets, sodas, sweet pastries, and more. This makes it especially dangerous for those who do not control their sugar intake. Doctors recommend replacing refined sugar with healthier alternatives such as honey or natural fruit juices.

One of the reasons for limiting the consumption of refined sugar is its effect on the general health of the body. A large number of studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption can lead to a decrease in immunity, making a person more vulnerable to infections and diseases.

In general, the above facts and arguments indicate that refined sugar has a significant potential for negative effects on the human body. Doctors recommend being careful about the amount of sugar consumed and using it taking into account the general dietary culture and healthy lifestyle.

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