21.08 - 10:01
Advice from a narcologist on moderate alcohol consumption| Здоровье
![]() Advice from a narcologist on moderate alcohol consumption In Ukraine, the problem of alcohol consumption is relevant, and narcologists regularly provide recommendations for a moderate approach to this issue. According to the data of the World Health Organization, in Ukraine more than 40% of the population regularly consumes alcoholic beverages, which indicates a high level of consumption compared to other European countries. In order to reduce the negative consequences of alcohol consumption, narcologists recommend following several basic principles. First of all, it is important to realize that moderate alcohol consumption includes not only the number of drinks consumed, but also the frequency and circumstances of their consumption. For example, you should limit yourself to one or two standard servings of alcohol per day for men and one serving for women. Further, narcologists emphasize the importance of controlling the amount of alcohol consumed, as exceeding the recommended limits can lead to serious health consequences, such as cirrhosis of the liver, cardiovascular diseases and other medical problems. Narcologists recommend calculating the amount of alcohol consumed using standard units (for example, 10 ml of pure alcohol corresponds to one standard unit). In addition, it is important to be aware of the peculiarities of the body. For example, increased sensitivity to alcohol can be found in people with certain genetic characteristics or with certain chronic diseases. Such people should be especially careful and limit alcohol consumption to a minimum. No less important is the issue of psychological state during alcohol consumption. Narcologists emphasize that it is important to feel the line between fun and drunkenness, because it allows you to avoid dangerous situations and maintain control over your actions. In general, responsible and limited alcohol consumption can help preserve health for many years. Narcologists urge Ukrainians to follow these tips to reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body and improve the overall level of health in the country. Ключевые слова:
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