19.08 - 16:31
Healthy nutrition and its effect on the cardiovascular system: The effect of products on blood pressure| Здоровье
![]() Healthy nutrition and its effect on the cardiovascular system: The effect of products on blood pressure Blood pressure is a key indicator of the health of the heart and blood vessels. According to research by scientists, eating habits have a significant impact on the level of blood pressure. Some foods can increase it, while others contribute to its decrease. We learn which foods to avoid and which to include in the diet to maintain a healthy blood pressure level. One of the foods that can increase blood pressure is excessive salt consumption. Salty foods and processed foods often contain a lot of sodium, which can lead to increased blood pressure. Instead, experts recommend choosing natural products and limiting salt intake. Another factor that affects blood pressure is the consumption of large amounts of sugar. Foods high in sugar, such as sodas and confectionery, can contribute to hypertension. Instead, it is recommended to choose natural sweets such as fruit and limit the consumption of sugary products. Fortunately, there are products that help lower blood pressure. For example, vegetables and fruits rich in potassium, magnesium and phytonutrients can help lower blood pressure. Fish, olive oil and nuts are also good for the heart. Regular consumption of these foods can help reduce the risk of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. It is important to remember a balanced diet and the rejection of bad habits to maintain an optimal level of blood pressure and health in general. Ключевые слова:
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