15.08 - 20:08
The American nutritionist chose the most useful spices and seasonings| Здоровье
![]() The American nutritionist chose the most useful spices and seasonings World food is known for its variety and taste, but it can also be very good for health. The American nutritionist, researching the nutrition of various cultures, identified the most useful spices and seasonings that add flavor and improve health. First on his list is turmeric, which has powerful antioxidant properties and can reduce inflammation in the body. This spice is often used in Indian cuisine and has a pleasant aroma and taste. Next come cinnamon and oregano. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels, thus being beneficial for people with diabetes. Oregano contains antibacterial substances and can boost immunity. In his work, the nutritionist also recommends the use of chili and pepper. They contain capsaicin, which reduces appetite and promotes rapid satiety, which helps in weight control. Next on the list are ginger and turmeric. Ginger helps calm the gastrointestinal tract and boosts immunity. Turmeric has antioxidant properties and helps reduce inflammation. In conclusion, it is important to remember that spices and seasonings can not only add flavor to food, but also be useful for health. Studies show that they have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Therefore, including these healthy and delicious ingredients in your diet can improve your health and add variety to your table. Ключевые слова:
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