15.08 - 17:03
The Worst Foods for People With Arthritis: What to Avoid| Здоровье
The Worst Foods for People With Arthritis: What to Avoid Arthritis is a disease that can cause pain, inflammation, and limited movement in the joints. Although the treatment of arthritis often includes medication and physical therapy, diet can also affect the patient's condition. Certain foods can make arthritis symptoms worse, so it's important to know what to avoid. The first things to avoid with arthritis are foods high in saturated fat, such as red meat and full-fat dairy products. Saturated fats can contribute to inflammation in the body, which can worsen arthritis symptoms. Other foods to avoid with arthritis are foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. Sugary foods and drinks can contribute to weight gain, which can worsen arthritis symptoms and increase pressure on joints. You should also avoid products that contain artificial additives and preservatives. These substances can have a negative effect on inflammation in the body and exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis. Instead, it is better to choose fresh, natural products without added chemicals. Finally, coffee and alcohol can also worsen arthritis symptoms. Coffee can increase inflammation in the body, while alcohol can make pain worse and contribute to weight gain. Avoiding these worst foods can help improve the condition of people with arthritis. It is important to remember that diet plays an important role in managing the symptoms of this disease, so careful food choices can be the key to relieving arthritis pain. Ключевые слова:
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