12.08 - 15:15
High acidity in food and its effect on the kidneys| Здоровье
High acidity in food and its effect on the kidneys Recent studies confirm that a diet high in acid can have a negative effect on kidney health. Low acidity in food helps preserve kidney function, while high acidity can provoke the development of diseases. One of the main factors affecting the acidity of food is the balance between acid-forming and base-forming foods. Foods rich in acids can contribute to the formation of kidney stones or worsen existing kidney diseases such as nephritis or nephrosis. Among the products that should be limited due to their high acidity, you can single out meat, especially red meat, which contains a significant amount of sulfur-containing amino acids. Also, such products include some types of fish, canned foods, sweets, coffee and alcoholic beverages. In the diet, it is recommended to replace highly acidic foods with less acid-forming alternatives. For example, instead of red meat, you can use white poultry meat without skin, and instead of sweets - fresh fruits or berries, which have less acidity. Studies have also shown that drinking enough water helps reduce the acidity of the urine and helps normalize kidney function. It is important to consume at least 8 glasses of water daily to maintain optimal hydration levels. In general, a balanced diet, taking into account the effect of acidity on the body, will help preserve the health of the kidneys and prevent the development of kidney diseases. Adherence to the nutritional recommendations of specialists can significantly improve the quality of life and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Ключевые слова:
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