11.08 - 17:38
The danger of excess salt: how it affects health| Здоровье
The danger of excess salt: how it affects health In today's world, the issue of healthy eating is becoming more and more relevant, especially in the context of salt consumption. To date, it has been found that an excess of salt in the body can cause a number of serious diseases. We use salt, or sodium chloride, every day in various forms, from culinary additives to finished products. However, exceeding the daily norm of salt can lead to high blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization, reducing salt consumption by 15% can significantly reduce the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Most people get salt from foods that contain it naturally or in the cooking process. However, it is the amount of salt that we consume that is important, as its excess can have a negative effect on the kidneys. A high concentration of sodium in the body causes the kidneys to work harder to remove excess sodium from the body, which can eventually lead to kidney problems. In addition to cardiovascular and kidney disease, excess salt can affect more complex diseases such as stomach cancer. Studies show that high salt intake can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer, especially in people who already have a predisposition to the disease. In order to prevent various diseases associated with excessive salt consumption, it is important to follow the recommendations for limiting its use. An effective method is a balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as avoiding ready-made foods that contain a large amount of salt. In general, eliminating excess sodium from the diet will help reduce the risk of heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and other serious health-related illnesses. A conscious attitude to salt consumption is a step towards maintaining overall health and longevity. Ключевые слова:
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