08.08 - 17:20
Side effects of apple cider vinegar: what you should know about the health effects| Здоровье
Side effects of apple cider vinegar: what you should know about the health effects Apple cider vinegar has become a popular product among supporters of a healthy lifestyle and natural medicine. It is known for its potential beneficial properties, such as lowering blood sugar and supporting the weight loss process. However, along with these benefits, there are side effects that you should be aware of. One of the most common side effects of using apple cider vinegar is the possibility of stomach irritation. This can manifest itself in the form of a burning sensation or unpleasant discomfort in the stomach area. People with a history of peptic ulcer disease or gastritis can be especially vulnerable to this. In addition, long-term use of apple cider vinegar can affect tooth enamel due to its acidic properties. This can lead to their demineralization and increase the risk of caries. It is recommended to use diluted apple cider vinegar and rinse your mouth after use to reduce this risk. It should also be taken into account that apple cider vinegar can interact with certain medications, in particular with those used to regulate blood sugar levels. The use of vinegar can increase their effect, which will lead to hypoglycemia. Therefore, people with diabetes should consult a doctor before including apple cider vinegar in the diet. On the other hand, it is worth considering that large doses of apple cider vinegar can cause fatigue and weakness. This is due to its influence on metabolic processes in the body. However, this effect is usually observed only with significant portions of vinegar, which exceed the recommended norms. In general, apple cider vinegar has many useful properties, but its use should be justified and considered. Consideration of side effects and individual characteristics can help maximize the benefits of this product and reduce health risks. Ключевые слова:
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