07.08 - 23:52
What can't be done on an empty stomach| Здоровье
What can't be done on an empty stomach An empty stomach is not only an unpleasant condition, but also a potential threat to health, especially when it comes to certain actions and habits. Malnutrition can affect how we feel and our ability to be active, so it's important to know what to avoid when you're hungry. First of all, you should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Alcohol is absorbed much faster in the body when the stomach is empty, which can lead to rapid and unpredictable intoxication. This is particularly dangerous as it can increase the risk to health and safety. Further, it is not recommended to do physical exercises on an empty stomach. Not eating enough before a workout can cause you to tire faster than usual and reduce your performance. In addition, there is a risk of hypoglycemia, when blood sugar levels become too low, which can lead to weakness, dizziness or even fainting. Third, it is not recommended to drive a car on an empty stomach. The main focus here is on concentration and reaction. Hunger can lead to fatigue, irritability, or even incoherence. In addition, an empty stomach can impair your concentration and cognitive functions. For example, learning or performing complex tasks may be more difficult without adequate nutrition. Ключевые слова:
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