01.08 - 20:10
Dental hygiene: discovering the best time to brush your teeth| Здоровье
Dental hygiene: discovering the best time to brush your teeth Dentistry is constantly evolving, studying the nuances of dental care to ensure the best oral health. One of the most interesting discoveries made in this field is determining the best time to brush your teeth. Studies have shown that the ideal time for this is after a meal, not before, as previously recommended. The idea of brushing your teeth after eating is based on the biological processes that occur in the oral cavity. After eating, the level of acidity in the mouth increases, which can damage tooth enamel. Brushing your teeth after eating helps reduce this risk because it helps remove food debris and neutralize acids. Research has also shown that brushing after eating is more effective at removing plaque, which is a source of bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Regular removal of plaque helps maintain the health of the gums and teeth in general. New discoveries in the field of dentistry allow people to maintain oral health more effectively. Establishing the ideal time to brush your teeth after eating opens up new opportunities to preserve the health of your teeth and gums. This is an important step in the direction of increasing awareness of oral health and maintaining it in the best condition. Ключевые слова:
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