01.08 - 10:49
We strengthen immunity with the help of asparagus: the discovery of medical facts| Здоровье
We strengthen immunity with the help of asparagus: the discovery of medical facts Asparagus, rich in vitamins and minerals, is known for its beneficial properties for the body. Medical studies confirm that consumption of asparagus can significantly strengthen immunity. The vitamin C found in asparagus is known for its antioxidant properties that help fight viruses and infections. In addition, asparagus contains a large amount of vitamin E, which supports the immune system and helps protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Minerals such as zinc and selenium found in asparagus play an important role in maintaining immunity. Zinc promotes the growth and development of immune system cells, while selenium helps in the production of antioxidants that protect cells from damage. Studies also show that asparagus contains prebiotics that promote gut health. A healthy gut is an important component of a strong immune system, as up to 70% of immune cells are located in the gut. To get the maximum benefit from asparagus, it is recommended to include it in the diet regularly, including it in a variety of dishes. It will be most useful to use fresh asparagus, or prepare it by cooking or baking. Do not forget that asparagus is only one of the elements of a balanced diet that helps strengthen immunity. To achieve optimal health, it is also important to include other foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the diet. Ключевые слова:
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