31.07 - 16:19

Increased risk of lung cancer when switching from cigarettes to vapes: new research


Increased risk of lung cancer when switching from cigarettes to vapes: new research

In recent years, the question of the impact of vaping on health has been in the center of attention of scientists all over the world. Research conducted in this direction provides more and more evidence that the use of electronic cigarettes can carry serious risks for the body. A recent study published in the journal Cancer Handbook found a link between switching from traditional cigarette smoking to vaping and an increased risk of lung cancer.

According to the results of the study, people who switched from cigarettes to vapes have a significantly higher risk of being included in the group of people with an increased risk of lung cancer. This fact can be explained by the fact that many of the substances contained in electronic cigarettes are also carcinogens, and some additional components that are absent in traditional cigarettes can increase the harmfulness of the product.

The significance of this study is that it highlights the need for caution regarding the use of e-cigarettes, especially among those who previously smoked traditional cigarettes. Some individuals may turn to vaping in an attempt to reduce the harm of smoking, but in reality the risk may only increase.

Although vaping has been compared to a less harmful form of smoking, the study also highlights the need for further scientific research on the topic. Although e-cigarettes may be less toxic than traditional cigarettes, their health effects still need to be studied in detail.

Governments and health organizations should also improve the legal framework for regulating the production and sale of e-cigarettes, particularly to protect relevant populations, such as adolescents, from misuse of these products.

Overall, new research highlights that vaping can carry serious health risks, including an increased risk of lung cancer. To prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to continue scientific research and improve mechanisms for regulating the use of electronic cigarettes.

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