30.07 - 21:13
Health is important! How to recognize type 2 diabetes by symptoms| Здоровье
Health is important! How to recognize type 2 diabetes by symptoms Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that can affect a person's quality of life. Despite the fact that this disease usually develops slowly and without noticeable symptoms, sometimes you can notice certain signs that indicate its presence. One of the most noticeable symptoms of type 2 diabetes is changes in vision. Many patients notice that their eyes have become dry or irritated. This may be due to a decrease in blood sugar, which affects the ability of the eyes to retain moisture. Another symptom can be a feeling of unexplained thirst and hunger. People who suffer from this condition often feel the urge to eat even after they have just eaten something. It can be caused by unstable blood sugar levels that are not controlled by proper diet or medication. Also, symptoms of type 2 diabetes include weight loss for no apparent reason. People who suddenly lose weight without any changes in their diet or level of physical activity may want to see their doctor for further testing for possible diabetes. It is also necessary to pay attention to more frequent visits to the toilet, especially at night. An increased need to urinate can be a sign of health problems, including type 2 diabetes. In general, early detection of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes can help in proper treatment and avoid serious complications. If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone else, it is important to see a doctor for professional advice and examination. Ключевые слова:
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