11.07 - 16:39
Significant features of schizophrenia: an expert review| Здоровье
Significant features of schizophrenia: an expert review Schizophrenia remains one of the most mysterious and complex mental disorders affecting millions of people worldwide. Experts in the field of psychiatry are constantly researching this disorder and trying to uncover its main signs and symptoms. Recently, an expert in psychiatry analyzed the main signs of schizophrenia, which will help to recognize this disorder. First, one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia is confusion and discontinuities in thinking. People suffering from this disorder may have difficulty maintaining a logical order of thought and may lose the ability to think coherently. The second characteristic of schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations. This means that a person feels that he hears voices or sounds that do not exist in reality. This can be a very distressing and distressing experience for the sufferer and can significantly affect their behaviour. A third sign is disorganized speech or conversation. People with schizophrenia may have incoherent speech, use of unusual words, or illogical connections between thoughts. Another important sign is the lack of emotional expression. People with schizophrenia may seem timeless or detached from their surrounding reality, not showing adequate emotional reactions to events. The fifth characteristic is social remoteness and lack of desire to communicate with others. People with schizophrenia may avoid contact with other people and experience some paranoia or mistrust of the world around them. Finally, the sixth major symptom is destructive thoughts and suicidal thoughts. People with schizophrenia may suffer from intense and obsessive thoughts about suicide or may attempt to act them out. Ключевые слова:
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