10.07 - 16:57
How to prevent severe hair loss while washing your hair| Здоровье
![]() How to prevent severe hair loss while washing your hair Hair loss is a natural process, but sometimes it can become excessive and cause concern. Many people face the problem of severe hair loss while washing their hair. This can be the result of various factors such as genetics, stress, diet and hair care. Causes of hair loss One of the main causes of hair loss is genetics. If you have a family history of baldness or severe hair loss, you are likely to be affected as well. In addition, stressful situations can significantly affect the condition of the hair. Constant stress can cause disruption of the hair growth cycle, which leads to hair loss. Nutrition and hair health Improper nutrition can also cause hair loss. Hair needs certain vitamins and minerals for healthy growth. Deficiency of iron, zinc, biotin and other important elements can lead to hair loss. Therefore, it is important to follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Hair care Hair care is also very important. The use of aggressive shampoos, frequent dyeing or the use of chemicals can damage the hair and cause it to fall out. It is important to choose care products that are suitable for your hair type and do not contain harmful substances. Recommendations to prevent hair loss To reduce hair loss, follow a few simple recommendations. First of all, avoid excessive rubbing of the hair while washing. Use warm water instead of hot water as hot water can damage the hair follicles. In addition, choose mild shampoos and conditioners that contain natural ingredients. Referral to a specialist If hair loss becomes excessive and causes serious concern, you should consult a doctor or trichologist. They will be able to conduct a detailed examination, determine the causes of the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct tests to detect vitamin deficiency or other disorders in the body. Remember that healthy hair requires a comprehensive approach that includes proper nutrition, careful care and timely referral to specialists. Ключевые слова:
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