10.07 - 10:44
Do you really need hair conditioner View of professional hairdressers| Здоровье
![]() Do you really need hair conditioner View of professional hairdressers Many people use hair conditioner as part of their daily hair care routine. However, a recent survey of professional hairdressers has shown that this product may not be as necessary as we used to think. According to experts, the air conditioner is often overrated and it does not always bring the benefits promised by advertising. First of all, it is important to understand that the main function of the conditioner is to facilitate combing of the hair after washing. But modern shampoos often contain ingredients that provide a similar effect. Hairdressers note that with the right selection of shampoo, you can avoid using conditioner altogether. In addition, conditioners can create a film on the hair that makes it difficult for nutrients from other care products to reach. For example, hair masks and oils may not penetrate deep into the hair structure if it is covered with conditioner. This can cause hair to become less healthy and lose its natural shine. Some hairdressers also note that excessive use of conditioner can weigh down hair, making it greasy and dull. Owners of thin hair especially often face this problem. In such cases, it is recommended to limit the use of conditioner or to abandon it altogether in favor of lighter means. Instead of conditioner, many professional hairdressers advise paying attention to proper nutrition and regular use of hair masks. The vitamins and minerals you get with food are important for hair health. Masks, in turn, are able to nourish and restore hair at a deep level. Finally, it is important to remember that hair care should be individual. What works for one person may not work for another. A consultation with a professional hairdresser will help you determine the optimal care regimen for your hair type. Ключевые слова:
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