05.07 - 18:16
Gastric cancer: development dynamics, treatment strategies and new methods in Israel| Здоровье
![]() Gastric cancer: development dynamics, treatment strategies and new methods in Israel Stomach cancer is one of the most dangerous oncological diseases, which ranks high among the causes of cancer mortality worldwide. Its development is slow and imperceptible in the initial stages, which complicates timely diagnosis and treatment. However, thanks to the latest methods and strategies, mortality from this disease is gradually decreasing. The rate at which stomach cancer develops depends on many factors, including the state of the immune system, lifestyle and heredity. However, the main risk factor remains nutrition. Eating a lot of salty, fatty and canned foods can significantly increase the likelihood of this disease. Current treatments for stomach cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In many cases, a combination of these methods allows to achieve the best result. However, the success of the treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Israel is known for its advances in medicine, including the treatment of cancer. Many patients from all over the world choose this country to receive quality medical care. Israeli clinics use the most modern technologies and methods of treatment, which makes it possible to achieve impressive results in the fight against stomach cancer. One of the directions that is actively developing in Israel is immunotherapy. This method of treatment aims to activate the body's own immune system to fight cancer cells. Immunotherapy is already successfully used in the treatment of various types of cancer, including gastric cancer, and shows high results of efficacy and safety. More and more research and development in the field of oncology allows us to hope for the further improvement of methods of treating stomach cancer. The introduction of the latest technologies and diagnostic methods makes treatment more effective and less invasive, which improves the quality of life of patients and reduces the risk of relapses. Ключевые слова:
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