03.07 - 16:14

Oral care


Oral care

In the modern world, where environmental problems are becoming more and more relevant, it is important to pay attention to the rational use of resources. One such area where we can contribute is daily brushing. Let's take a look at how this routine works and how to save water during the process.

The first and most important rule is to turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. According to the State Agency for Ecology, this will save up to 12 liters of water per cleaning. Adopting this simple habit can significantly reduce our water consumption and affect the state of water resources.

The second rule is to use environmentally friendly toothbrushes and pastes. According to research, many standard toothbrushes and toothpastes contain plastic particles that can harm the environment. By choosing products with biodegradable ingredients, we contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

The third rule is to use water carefully when rinsing your mouth. Often people leave the faucet open during this process without thinking about the extra water leakage. Reducing the amount of time you rinse and using a gliding toothbrush can help save water without losing cleaning effectiveness.

The fourth rule - use a glass for water when cleaning. Instead of holding your head under running water, use a cup to collect the water. This will allow you to accurately dose the amount of water you use and reduce excess leakage.

The fifth rule - regularly check the presence of currents in the water supply system. Even small currents can lead to significant water leakage over a long period of time. Timely repairs can save a significant amount of water and ensure uninterrupted operation of the system.

Conclusions. Daily brushing is not only a means of maintaining the condition of the teeth, but also an opportunity to contribute to the preservation of water resources. Given the simple rules of water efficiency and conservation, we can become part of the movement to conserve natural resources and create a more ecologically educated society.

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