03.07 - 11:03
Signs of approaching menopause that you should know| Здоровье
Signs of approaching menopause that you should know Menopause is a natural stage in every woman's life, and timing can be important for health and well-being. There are seven main signs that can indicate that menopause is approaching, and knowing these symptoms allows women to make responsible decisions about their health. One of the most common signs is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle. Changes in duration and intensity may indicate the approaching end of the reproductive phase of life. Women who observe such fluctuations should consult a doctor for professional advice. Another sign can be fever and sweating, which often occur even with light physical exertion. This is due to the sharp changes in hormone levels that occur during menopause. Regular communication with your doctor can help find ways to relieve these symptoms. Changes in the skin and hair can also indicate menopause. Loss of skin elasticity and moisture can be a problem that many women perceive as a nuisance. Using appropriate cosmetic and dermatological products can help maintain skin health during this transition period. Changes in emotional state and mood can be another sign of approaching menopause. Depression, irritability and anxiety can appear due to hormonal changes. Support from family and friends, as well as professional help, can help manage these emotional swings. Low bone density and risk of osteoporosis can also occur as a result of menopause. Maintaining an active lifestyle and a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D can help maintain bone health at this stage. Ключевые слова:
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