20.06 - 10:22
Why do teeth hurt after cold food: scientific explanations| Здоровье
Why do teeth hurt after cold food: scientific explanations Feeling pain or sensitivity in the teeth after consuming cold foods can be quite unpleasant and often prompts people to search for an explanation for this phenomenon. According to studies conducted by specialists, there are several reasons that can explain this reaction of the body. One of the possible causes of toothache after cold meals is the presence of open cavities in the teeth. When a cold product enters these cavities, it can cause a temporary increase in pain or sensitivity. Another possible reason is the reaction of the nerves in the teeth to sudden changes in temperature that occur when in contact with cold foods. Toothache after eating cold foods can also be associated with cold-induced vasoconstriction that occurs in the oral cavity. This narrowing can lead to pain, especially if the teeth are sensitive or damaged. Another possible cause of toothache after cold meals is the presence of carbon dioxide in drinks or other cold foods. Carbon dioxide can cause a reaction in the form of pain or sensitivity in the teeth, especially if the tooth enamel is damaged or thin. Finally, a painful reaction to cold food may be the result of deepening plaque or damage to tooth enamel. This can lead to increased sensitivity and pain during contact with cold foods. In any case, if the toothache after consuming cold foods becomes systematic or unbearable, it is important to consult a dentist for a professional consultation and examination. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of pain and offer effective treatment. Ключевые слова:
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