19.06 - 15:48
Constant yawning: a sign of serious diseases| Здоровье
Constant yawning: a sign of serious diseases Constant yawning is a physiological reaction that can indicate various diseases and health conditions. This symptom can be a sign of not only physical, but also psychological imbalance. One of the possible causes of constant yawning is sleep apnea - a condition in which the breathing process is interrupted during sleep. This can lead to a constant feeling of fatigue and insufficient sleep quality. Cardiovascular pathology can be another serious cause. For example, heart failure or arrhythmia can lead to insufficient oxygenation of the body, which causes a feeling of persistent drowsiness. Persistent yawning can also be a sign of mental illness, such as depression or an anxiety disorder. In these cases, drowsiness may be associated with reduced energy and interest in the surrounding world. Some medications can also cause persistent yawning as a side effect. For example, some antidepressants or sleeping pills can make you feel drowsy during the day. Even a slight lack of vitamins and minerals in the body can affect energy levels and cause drowsiness. For example, lack of vitamin D or iron can lead to feeling tired and sleepy. Constant yawning can be a sign of various diseases and health conditions, from sleep apnea to cardiovascular disease and mental disorders. If this symptom is constantly present, it is important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Ключевые слова:
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