18.06 - 21:43
The danger of salt to the heart: facts and consequences| Здоровье
The danger of salt to the heart: facts and consequences Studies confirm that consuming large amounts of salt can have a negative impact on heart health and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. The large volume of sodium contained in salt can increase blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other serious complications. According to the World Health Organization, many people consume excessive amounts of salt from processed foods and fast food. This is a particular problem in developed countries, where a large part of the diet is based on prepared foods, which are rich in salt. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, experts recommend limiting salt intake. The optimal amount of salt per day for adults is about 5 grams, which is less than one teaspoon. To reduce salt intake, it is important to avoid processed foods that contain large amounts of added salt. Instead, preference should be given to fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish. In addition, it is important to read food labels and choose those that contain less salt. Some manufacturers offer a choice of less salty alternatives, which helps reduce sodium intake. Overall, conscious salt consumption can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve overall health. It is important to remember the effect of diet on the heart and avoid excessive salt intake to ensure a long and active life. Ключевые слова:
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