17.06 - 22:01
Our article is devoted to the problem of snoring and six effective ways to overcome this unpleasant phenomenon at home.| Здоровье
Our article is devoted to the problem of snoring and six effective ways to overcome this unpleasant phenomenon at home. Snoring is a common problem that can affect sleep quality and overall health. According to statistics, about 45% of the adult population periodically encounters snoring, and more often men than women. The first effective way to overcome snoring at home is to change the position of the body during sleep. By using a high pillow or a special attachment under the back, you can reduce the pressure on the airways and reduce the intensity of snoring. The second way is to humidify the air in the bedroom. Dry air can contribute to airway obstruction, which leads to snoring. Use a suitable humidifier to reduce its intensity. The third effective method is the use of special stops for the nose. They help increase air flow through the nasal passages, reducing pressure on the throat and soft tissues, which can reduce the intensity of snoring. The fourth way is to perform regular exercises for the muscles of the throat and tongue. Strengthening these muscles can help reduce the vibration that occurs when snoring. The fifth way is to control the consumption of alcohol and sleeping pills. These substances can relax the muscles of the throat, which leads to an increase in the intensity of snoring. Reduce their intake or avoid them altogether to improve the quality of your sleep. The sixth way is to consult a doctor for professional advice and possible treatment. In case of serious problems with snoring, the doctor may advise to carry out additional examinations and prescribe an effective method of treatment, for example, the use of special devices to overcome snoring during sleep. Ключевые слова:
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